M5Stack GRAY 買って最小限のコードで加速度センサを試した

M5Stack 買った

第二の産業革命を起こすとも言われているM5 Stack を購入しました。



M5Stackがどんなものかというと,ESP32というArduino IDEでコード書けるマイコンに,電子工作で使いそうな基本的なものだいたい全部乗せみたいなやつです。 液晶と3つのボタンと5×5のガワが印象的で見た目もスマート。

Stackって名前だけにモジュール(Arduino シールド基板みたいなやつ?)を重ねて積めるらしいです。


  • LCD(320×240の液晶)ついてて描画も簡単
  • ESP32がWiFiモジュール積んでる
  • SDカードのスロットついててmp3の音声流せる
  • Bluetoothも行けそう
  • 磁石ついててホワイトボードとか玄関のドアに貼り付けられる
  • バッテリーも標準装備でケーブル切り離してもしばらくOK


特にちょっとした解像度の液晶と無線通信と音声再生は今までのArduino工作の経験からちょっとハードルが高かったので, その辺が簡単にできそうなのはうれしい。(まだやってないけど)

M5Stack GRAY でIMUを使う

M5Stackにもバリエーションがあって,今回はBASICとGRAYを買いました。 BASICに9軸IMU(加速度,ジャイロ,磁気センサ)と温度センサ積んだのがGRAYです。



/* MPU9250 Basic Example Code
 by: Kris Winer
 date: April 1, 2014
 license: Beerware - Use this code however you'd like. If you
 find it useful you can buy me a beer some time.
 Modified by Brent Wilkins July 19, 2016

 Demonstrate basic MPU-9250 functionality including parameterizing the register
 addresses, initializing the sensor, getting properly scaled accelerometer,
 gyroscope, and magnetometer data out. Added display functions to allow display
 to on breadboard monitor. Addition of 9 DoF sensor fusion using open source
 Madgwick and Mahony filter algorithms. Sketch runs on the 3.3 V 8 MHz Pro Mini
 and the Teensy 3.1.

#include <M5Stack.h>
#include "utility/MPU9250.h"
#include "utility/quaternionFilters.h"

#define processing_out false
#define AHRS true         // Set to false for basic data read
#define SerialDebug true  // Set to true to get Serial output for debugging
#define LCD

MPU9250 IMU;
// Kalman kalmanX, kalmanY, kalmanZ; // Create the Kalman instances

void setup()

#ifdef LCD
  // Start device display with ID of sensor
  M5.Lcd.setTextColor(WHITE ,BLACK); // Set pixel color; 1 on the monochrome screen
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,0); M5.Lcd.print("MPU9250");
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 20); M5.Lcd.print("9-DOF 16-bit");
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 30); M5.Lcd.print("motion sensor");
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(20,40); M5.Lcd.print("60 ug LSB");

  // Set up for data display
  M5.Lcd.setTextSize(1); // Set text size to normal, 2 is twice normal etc.
  M5.Lcd.fillScreen(BLACK);   // clears the screen and buffer
#endif // LCD

  // Read the WHO_AM_I register, this is a good test of communication
  byte c = IMU.readByte(MPU9250_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I_MPU9250);
  Serial.print("MPU9250 "); Serial.print("I AM "); Serial.print(c, HEX);
  Serial.print(" I should be "); Serial.println(0x71, HEX);

#ifdef LCD
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(20,0); M5.Lcd.print("MPU9250");
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,10); M5.Lcd.print("I AM");
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,20); M5.Lcd.print(c, HEX);
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,30); M5.Lcd.print("I Should Be");
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,40); M5.Lcd.print(0x71, HEX);
#endif // LCD

  // if (c == 0x71) // WHO_AM_I should always be 0x68
    Serial.println("MPU9250 is online...");

    // Start by performing self test and reporting values
    Serial.print("x-axis self test: acceleration trim within : ");
    Serial.print(IMU.SelfTest[0],1); Serial.println("% of factory value");
    Serial.print("y-axis self test: acceleration trim within : ");
    Serial.print(IMU.SelfTest[1],1); Serial.println("% of factory value");
    Serial.print("z-axis self test: acceleration trim within : ");
    Serial.print(IMU.SelfTest[2],1); Serial.println("% of factory value");
    Serial.print("x-axis self test: gyration trim within : ");
    Serial.print(IMU.SelfTest[3],1); Serial.println("% of factory value");
    Serial.print("y-axis self test: gyration trim within : ");
    Serial.print(IMU.SelfTest[4],1); Serial.println("% of factory value");
    Serial.print("z-axis self test: gyration trim within : ");
    Serial.print(IMU.SelfTest[5],1); Serial.println("% of factory value");

    // Calibrate gyro and accelerometers, load biases in bias registers
    IMU.calibrateMPU9250(IMU.gyroBias, IMU.accelBias);

#ifdef LCD
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 0); M5.Lcd.print("MPU9250 bias");
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 16); M5.Lcd.print(" x   y   z  ");

    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,  32); M5.Lcd.print((int)(1000*IMU.accelBias[0]));
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(32, 32); M5.Lcd.print((int)(1000*IMU.accelBias[1]));
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(64, 32); M5.Lcd.print((int)(1000*IMU.accelBias[2]));
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(96, 32); M5.Lcd.print("mg");

    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,  48); M5.Lcd.print(IMU.gyroBias[0], 1);
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(32, 48); M5.Lcd.print(IMU.gyroBias[1], 1);
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(64, 48); M5.Lcd.print(IMU.gyroBias[2], 1);
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(96, 48); M5.Lcd.print("o/s");
#endif // LCD

    // Initialize device for active mode read of acclerometer, gyroscope, and
    // temperature
    Serial.println("MPU9250 initialized for active data mode....");

    // Read the WHO_AM_I register of the magnetometer, this is a good test of
    // communication
    byte d = IMU.readByte(AK8963_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I_AK8963);
    Serial.print("AK8963 "); Serial.print("I AM "); Serial.print(d, HEX);
    Serial.print(" I should be "); Serial.println(0x48, HEX);

#ifdef LCD
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(20,0); M5.Lcd.print("AK8963");
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,10); M5.Lcd.print("I AM");
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,20); M5.Lcd.print(d, HEX);
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,30); M5.Lcd.print("I Should Be");
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,40); M5.Lcd.print(0x48, HEX);
#endif // LCD

    // Get magnetometer calibration from AK8963 ROM
    // Initialize device for active mode read of magnetometer
    Serial.println("AK8963 initialized for active data mode....");
    if (Serial)
      //  Serial.println("Calibration values: ");
      Serial.print("X-Axis sensitivity adjustment value ");
      Serial.println(IMU.magCalibration[0], 2);
      Serial.print("Y-Axis sensitivity adjustment value ");
      Serial.println(IMU.magCalibration[1], 2);
      Serial.print("Z-Axis sensitivity adjustment value ");
      Serial.println(IMU.magCalibration[2], 2);

#ifdef LCD
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(20,0); M5.Lcd.print("AK8963");
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,10); M5.Lcd.print("ASAX "); M5.Lcd.setCursor(50,10);
    M5.Lcd.print(IMU.magCalibration[0], 2);
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,20); M5.Lcd.print("ASAY "); M5.Lcd.setCursor(50,20);
    M5.Lcd.print(IMU.magCalibration[1], 2);
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,30); M5.Lcd.print("ASAZ "); M5.Lcd.setCursor(50,30);
    M5.Lcd.print(IMU.magCalibration[2], 2);
    #endif // LCD
  } // if (c == 0x71)
  // else
  // {
  //   Serial.print("Could not connect to MPU9250: 0x");
  //   Serial.println(c, HEX);
  //   while(1) ; // Loop forever if communication doesn't happen
  // }

  M5.Lcd.setTextColor(GREEN ,BLACK);

void loop()
  // If intPin goes high, all data registers have new data
  // On interrupt, check if data ready interrupt
  if (IMU.readByte(MPU9250_ADDRESS, INT_STATUS) & 0x01)
    IMU.readAccelData(IMU.accelCount);  // Read the x/y/z adc values

    // Now we'll calculate the accleration value into actual g's
    // This depends on scale being set
    IMU.ax = (float)IMU.accelCount[0]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[0];
    IMU.ay = (float)IMU.accelCount[1]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[1];
    IMU.az = (float)IMU.accelCount[2]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[2];

    IMU.readGyroData(IMU.gyroCount);  // Read the x/y/z adc values

    // Calculate the gyro value into actual degrees per second
    // This depends on scale being set
    IMU.gx = (float)IMU.gyroCount[0]*IMU.gRes;
    IMU.gy = (float)IMU.gyroCount[1]*IMU.gRes;
    IMU.gz = (float)IMU.gyroCount[2]*IMU.gRes;

    IMU.readMagData(IMU.magCount);  // Read the x/y/z adc values
    // User environmental x-axis correction in milliGauss, should be
    // automatically calculated
    IMU.magbias[0] = +470.;
    // User environmental x-axis correction in milliGauss TODO axis??
    IMU.magbias[1] = +120.;
    // User environmental x-axis correction in milliGauss
    IMU.magbias[2] = +125.;

    // Calculate the magnetometer values in milliGauss
    // Include factory calibration per data sheet and user environmental
    // corrections
    // Get actual magnetometer value, this depends on scale being set
    IMU.mx = (float)IMU.magCount[0]*IMU.mRes*IMU.magCalibration[0] -
    IMU.my = (float)IMU.magCount[1]*IMU.mRes*IMU.magCalibration[1] -
    IMU.mz = (float)IMU.magCount[2]*IMU.mRes*IMU.magCalibration[2] -
  } // if (readByte(MPU9250_ADDRESS, INT_STATUS) & 0x01)

  // Must be called before updating quaternions!

  // Sensors x (y)-axis of the accelerometer is aligned with the y (x)-axis of
  // the magnetometer; the magnetometer z-axis (+ down) is opposite to z-axis
  // (+ up) of accelerometer and gyro! We have to make some allowance for this
  // orientationmismatch in feeding the output to the quaternion filter. For the
  // MPU-9250, we have chosen a magnetic rotation that keeps the sensor forward
  // along the x-axis just like in the LSM9DS0 sensor. This rotation can be
  // modified to allow any convenient orientation convention. This is ok by
  // aircraft orientation standards! Pass gyro rate as rad/s
//  MadgwickQuaternionUpdate(ax, ay, az, gx*PI/180.0f, gy*PI/180.0f, gz*PI/180.0f,  my,  mx, mz);
  MahonyQuaternionUpdate(IMU.ax, IMU.ay, IMU.az, IMU.gx*DEG_TO_RAD,
                         IMU.gy*DEG_TO_RAD, IMU.gz*DEG_TO_RAD, IMU.my,
                         IMU.mx, IMU.mz, IMU.deltat);

  if (!AHRS)
    IMU.delt_t = millis() - IMU.count;
    if (IMU.delt_t > 500)
        // Print acceleration values in milligs!
        Serial.print("X-acceleration: "); Serial.print(1000*IMU.ax);
        Serial.print(" mg ");
        Serial.print("Y-acceleration: "); Serial.print(1000*IMU.ay);
        Serial.print(" mg ");
        Serial.print("Z-acceleration: "); Serial.print(1000*IMU.az);
        Serial.println(" mg ");

        // Print gyro values in degree/sec
        Serial.print("X-gyro rate: "); Serial.print(IMU.gx, 3);
        Serial.print(" degrees/sec ");
        Serial.print("Y-gyro rate: "); Serial.print(IMU.gy, 3);
        Serial.print(" degrees/sec ");
        Serial.print("Z-gyro rate: "); Serial.print(IMU.gz, 3);
        Serial.println(" degrees/sec");

        // Print mag values in degree/sec
        Serial.print("X-mag field: "); Serial.print(IMU.mx);
        Serial.print(" mG ");
        Serial.print("Y-mag field: "); Serial.print(IMU.my);
        Serial.print(" mG ");
        Serial.print("Z-mag field: "); Serial.print(IMU.mz);
        Serial.println(" mG");

        IMU.tempCount = IMU.readTempData();  // Read the adc values
        // Temperature in degrees Centigrade
        IMU.temperature = ((float) IMU.tempCount) / 333.87 + 21.0;
        // Print temperature in degrees Centigrade
        Serial.print("Temperature is ");  Serial.print(IMU.temperature, 1);
        Serial.println(" degrees C");

#ifdef LCD
      M5.Lcd.setTextColor(GREEN ,BLACK);
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 0); M5.Lcd.print("MPU9250/AK8963");
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 32); M5.Lcd.print(" x   y   z  ");

      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,  48); M5.Lcd.print((int)(1000*IMU.ax));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(32, 48); M5.Lcd.print((int)(1000*IMU.ay));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(64, 48); M5.Lcd.print((int)(1000*IMU.az));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(96, 48); M5.Lcd.print("mg");

      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,  64); M5.Lcd.print((int)(IMU.gx));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(32, 64); M5.Lcd.print((int)(IMU.gy));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(64, 64); M5.Lcd.print((int)(IMU.gz));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(96, 64); M5.Lcd.print("o/s");

      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,  96); M5.Lcd.print((int)(IMU.mx));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(32, 96); M5.Lcd.print((int)(IMU.my));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(64, 96); M5.Lcd.print((int)(IMU.mz));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(96, 96); M5.Lcd.print("mG");

      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,  128); M5.Lcd.print("Gyro T ");
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(50,  128); M5.Lcd.print(IMU.temperature, 1);
      M5.Lcd.print(" C");
#endif // LCD

      IMU.count = millis();
      // digitalWrite(myLed, !digitalRead(myLed));  // toggle led
    } // if (IMU.delt_t > 500)
  } // if (!AHRS)
    // Serial print and/or display at 0.5 s rate independent of data rates
    IMU.delt_t = millis() - IMU.count;

    // update LCD once per half-second independent of read rate
    // if (IMU.delt_t > 500)
    if (IMU.delt_t > 100)
        Serial.print("ax = "); Serial.print((int)1000*IMU.ax);
        Serial.print(" ay = "); Serial.print((int)1000*IMU.ay);
        Serial.print(" az = "); Serial.print((int)1000*IMU.az);
        Serial.println(" mg");

        Serial.print("gx = "); Serial.print( IMU.gx, 2);
        Serial.print(" gy = "); Serial.print( IMU.gy, 2);
        Serial.print(" gz = "); Serial.print( IMU.gz, 2);
        Serial.println(" deg/s");

        Serial.print("mx = "); Serial.print( (int)IMU.mx );
        Serial.print(" my = "); Serial.print( (int)IMU.my );
        Serial.print(" mz = "); Serial.print( (int)IMU.mz );
        Serial.println(" mG");

        Serial.print("q0 = "); Serial.print(*getQ());
        Serial.print(" qx = "); Serial.print(*(getQ() + 1));
        Serial.print(" qy = "); Serial.print(*(getQ() + 2));
        Serial.print(" qz = "); Serial.println(*(getQ() + 3));

// Define output variables from updated quaternion---these are Tait-Bryan
// angles, commonly used in aircraft orientation. In this coordinate system,
// the positive z-axis is down toward Earth. Yaw is the angle between Sensor
// x-axis and Earth magnetic North (or true North if corrected for local
// declination, looking down on the sensor positive yaw is counterclockwise.
// Pitch is angle between sensor x-axis and Earth ground plane, toward the
// Earth is positive, up toward the sky is negative. Roll is angle between
// sensor y-axis and Earth ground plane, y-axis up is positive roll. These
// arise from the definition of the homogeneous rotation matrix constructed
// from quaternions. Tait-Bryan angles as well as Euler angles are
// non-commutative; that is, the get the correct orientation the rotations
// must be applied in the correct order which for this configuration is yaw,
// pitch, and then roll.
// For more see
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_between_quaternions_and_Euler_angles
// which has additional links.
      IMU.yaw   = atan2(2.0f * (*(getQ()+1) * *(getQ()+2) + *getQ() *
                    *(getQ()+3)), *getQ() * *getQ() + *(getQ()+1) * *(getQ()+1)
                    - *(getQ()+2) * *(getQ()+2) - *(getQ()+3) * *(getQ()+3));
      IMU.pitch = -asin(2.0f * (*(getQ()+1) * *(getQ()+3) - *getQ() *
      IMU.roll  = atan2(2.0f * (*getQ() * *(getQ()+1) + *(getQ()+2) *
                    *(getQ()+3)), *getQ() * *getQ() - *(getQ()+1) * *(getQ()+1)
                    - *(getQ()+2) * *(getQ()+2) + *(getQ()+3) * *(getQ()+3));
      IMU.pitch *= RAD_TO_DEG;
      IMU.yaw   *= RAD_TO_DEG;
      // Declination of SparkFun Electronics (40°05'26.6"N 105°11'05.9"W) is
      //   8° 30' E  ± 0° 21' (or 8.5°) on 2016-07-19
      // - http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag-web/#declination
      IMU.yaw   -= 8.5;
      IMU.roll  *= RAD_TO_DEG;

        Serial.print("Yaw, Pitch, Roll: ");
        Serial.print(IMU.yaw, 2);
        Serial.print(", ");
        Serial.print(IMU.pitch, 2);
        Serial.print(", ");
        Serial.println(IMU.roll, 2);

        Serial.print("rate = ");
        Serial.print((float)IMU.sumCount/IMU.sum, 2);
        Serial.println(" Hz");

#ifdef LCD
      // M5.Lcd.fillScreen(BLACK);

      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 0); M5.Lcd.print("     x       y       z ");
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,  24);
      M5.Lcd.printf("% 6d  % 6d  % 6d     mg   \r\n",  (int)(1000*IMU.ax), (int)(1000*IMU.ay), (int)(1000*IMU.az));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,  44);
      M5.Lcd.printf("% 6d  % 6d  % 6d      o/s  \r\n", (int)(IMU.gx), (int)(IMU.gy), (int)(IMU.gz));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,  64);
      M5.Lcd.printf("% 6d  % 6d  % 6d     mG    \r\n",  (int)(IMU.mx), (int)(IMU.my), (int)(IMU.mz));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(0,  100);
      M5.Lcd.printf("  yaw: % 5.2f    pitch: % 5.2f    roll: % 5.2f   \r\n",(IMU.yaw), (IMU.pitch), (IMU.roll));

    // With these settings the filter is updating at a ~145 Hz rate using the
    // Madgwick scheme and >200 Hz using the Mahony scheme even though the
    // display refreshes at only 2 Hz. The filter update rate is determined
    // mostly by the mathematical steps in the respective algorithms, the
    // processor speed (8 MHz for the 3.3V Pro Mini), and the magnetometer ODR:
    // an ODR of 10 Hz for the magnetometer produce the above rates, maximum
    // magnetometer ODR of 100 Hz produces filter update rates of 36 - 145 and
    // ~38 Hz for the Madgwick and Mahony schemes, respectively. This is
    // presumably because the magnetometer read takes longer than the gyro or
    // accelerometer reads. This filter update rate should be fast enough to
    // maintain accurate platform orientation for stabilization control of a
    // fast-moving robot or quadcopter. Compare to the update rate of 200 Hz
    // produced by the on-board Digital Motion Processor of Invensense's MPU6050
    // 6 DoF and MPU9150 9DoF sensors. The 3.3 V 8 MHz Pro Mini is doing pretty
    // well!

      // M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 60);
      // M5.Lcd.printf("yaw:%6.2f   pitch:%6.2f   roll:%6.2f  ypr \r\n",(IMU.yaw), (IMU.pitch), (IMU.roll));
      M5.Lcd.setCursor(12, 144); 
      M5.Lcd.print("rt: ");
      M5.Lcd.print((float) IMU.sumCount / IMU.sum, 2);
      M5.Lcd.print(" Hz");
#endif // LCD

      IMU.count = millis();
      IMU.sumCount = 0;
      IMU.sum = 0;


      Serial.print(((IMU.yaw)));    Serial.print(";");
      Serial.print(((IMU.pitch))); Serial.print(";");
      Serial.print(((IMU.roll)));   Serial.print(";");
      Serial.print(26.5);    Serial.print(";");
      Serial.print(0.01);    Serial.print(";");
      Serial.print(0.02);    Serial.println();
    } // if (IMU.delt_t > 500)
  } // if (AHRS)





とりあえず,加速度三軸の値だけ取ってこれればいいやという気持ちなので, 必要そうなところだけ抜き出してみました。 通信相手のアドレスの確認,他のセンサ(ジャイロと磁気)の計測,printの部分を無視して取り出すと。

#include <M5Stack.h>
#include "utility/MPU9250.h"

MPU9250 IMU;

void setup() {
  //  serial for debugging
  //  i2c as a master


void loop() {

  if (IMU.readByte(MPU9250_ADDRESS, INT_STATUS) & 0x01)
    IMU.readAccelData(IMU.accelCount);  // Read the x/y/z adc values

    // Now we'll calculate the accleration value into actual g's
    // This depends on scale being set
    IMU.ax = (float)IMU.accelCount[0]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[0];
    IMU.ay = (float)IMU.accelCount[1]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[1];
    IMU.az = (float)IMU.accelCount[2]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[2];
    //あとは 加速度3軸分のfloatデータ IMU.ax, IMU.ay, IMU.az でお好きに…




#include "utility/MPU9250.h"


MPU9250 IMU;






  if (IMU.readByte(MPU9250_ADDRESS, INT_STATUS) & 0x01)
    IMU.readAccelData(IMU.accelCount);  // Read the x/y/z adc values

    // Now we'll calculate the accleration value into actual g's
    // This depends on scale being set
    IMU.ax = (float)IMU.accelCount[0]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[0];
    IMU.ay = (float)IMU.accelCount[1]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[1];
    IMU.az = (float)IMU.accelCount[2]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[2];
    //あとは 加速度3軸分のfloatデータ IMU.ax, IMU.ay, IMU.az でお好きに…






#include <M5Stack.h>
#include "utility/MPU9250.h"

MPU9250 IMU;

float posx = 160;
float posy = 120;
float velx = 0;
float vely = 0;
int radius = 5; //描画するボールの半径

unsigned int dt = 0;
unsigned int timer = millis();

void setup() {
  //  serial for debugging
  //  i2c as a master


void loop() {

  if (IMU.readByte(MPU9250_ADDRESS, INT_STATUS) & 0x01)
    IMU.readAccelData(IMU.accelCount);  // Read the x/y/z adc values

    // Now we'll calculate the accleration value into actual g's
    // This depends on scale being set
    IMU.ax = (float)IMU.accelCount[0]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[0];
    IMU.ay = (float)IMU.accelCount[1]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[1];
    IMU.az = (float)IMU.accelCount[2]*IMU.aRes; // - accelBias[2];

    Serial.print(' ');
    Serial.print(' ');
    Serial.print(' ');

    dt = millis() - timer;
    float dtf = (float)dt/1000; //運動の計算用に使うものは単位[s]にしときます。
    velx = velx + -500 * IMU.ax * dtf; //500は適当に調整しました。慣性を決めます。
    vely = vely + 500 * IMU.ay * dtf;

    posx = posx + velx * dtf;
    posy = posy + vely * dtf;
    timer = millis();

    posx = constrain(posx, 0, 319);
    posy = constrain(posy, 0, 239);
    velx = constrain(velx, -319, 319);
    vely = constrain(vely, -239, 239);
    if(posx == 0 && velx < 0)
      velx = velx * -0.8;
    if(posx == 319 && velx > 0)
      velx = velx * -0.8;
    if(posy == 0 && vely < 0)
      vely = vely * -0.8;
    if(posy == 239 && vely > 0)
      vely = vely * -0.8;
    M5.Lcd.fillCircle((int)posx, (int)posy, radius, RED);


せっかくなので今まであまり踏み込んでこなかった無線通信で連携させてやって遊んでみたいですね。 2つ買ったので。

